Have you thought
about packing up your belongings and going on a six-month vacation in your
camping vehicle? Have you thought about going
on a trip to Europe, specifically Greece?
Have you ever thought about creating a life on both continents? Have you made plans in regards to the use of
time in your golden years? Are you
preparing to be financially secure for your retirement? Jaime and Cheryl from Los Angeles have done
just that. I understand that when you
are twenty or thirty something, you don’t care about retirement, BUT read on
baby boomers, yuppies, and the like.
“Yes, I was once twenty and I was quite impertinent. I believed that retirement was for grey
haired old men and women. This “development”
called retirement would never happen to me,” stated Jaime and Cheryl.
I am now looking
forward to this “development.” A trip to
Greece is interesting. A visit to other
countries is a way of enjoying the different cultures. “Living in another continent is an engaging
thought. Plumbing, electrical, and
gardening problems brought into the mix can be even more challenging in a
foreign environment. The thought of
speedy travel to Vienna, Hong Kong or Copenhagen would be available as a
connection, depending on the country where residence is. Traveling a few hours away or less for each
destination, the new retirement villa would be a sensational experience. The travel time would be equivalent to
flying to San Francisco or Chicago for the weekend. Or have you ever thought about purchasing a
camper? This could be a venture for a
six-month trip researching the United States?
Youth is wasted on
the young, but if we have the fortitude and intelligence to realize what our
older generation has, we can hang onto our youth through your retirement. “We need to think about our future financial
status and interests. A retirement
counselor is equipped to answer pertinent questions about future finances. Retirement pension funds can be sufficient
investments. I understand, though, that
they are only ample to cover living expenses so additional financial investments
are quite necessary. We also need to
remember to relish our time. Not all
senior citizens kick back in their rockers, but there are productive senior
citizens just like twenty and thirty something citizens hope to be. Planning to work part time also supplements
our income” state Jaime and Cheryl.
I have no expert knowledge for twenty or
thirty something young adults. I do have
age and personal experience on my side even if I don’t have grey hair. I also am fully aware that we need to enjoy
every day we have without illness or injuries.
As we get older, more physical impairments preclude us from doing what
we need to accomplish. If we are
physically well and financially happy and secure, we can remain young at heart
for forever? Almost.
By Roberta Mark
By Roberta Mark