Monday, October 12, 2009

Man on Wire

by George Rembaum

The Man On Wire is a documentary movie about walking across a wire between the Twin Towers in New York. It shows how one can dare to do an impossible act and succeed if one stays with the dare. What kind of person can take on such a challenge and stay with it? First of all, you must share a total belief in your instincts and feel that anything can be done if you work hard enough at it, and refuse to be discouraged by the naysayers. The hardest part is to have such belief in yourself that you would try anything, and not give up when things turn against you. The first part,the total belief in yourself, shouldn't be so hard. In your life you have seen experts in all fields turn out to be people with simple goals that were highly studied and not found to be wanting. We are all experts in living and keeping abreast of intellectual endeavors. So why can't we hope along with all the others that we can affect the flow of events by our studied ideas?

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