Monday, November 23, 2009


What change is forthcoming? Yes, the holidays are almost here. There is a chill in the air. There is fresh powder on the ground. But, what do we do with ourselves for entertainment? What about facing depression during and after the holidays? Here are some tips to get you keen on spring and out of the blahs of the holiday season because “Seasons Change”.
• Volunteer to feed the hungry and homeless during this holiday season
• Plan a small mini-vacation to a destination driving distance from your home. (I live in California so I suggest Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Las Vegas, or San Diego. There are always inexpensive packages for these locations at this time of the year)
• Go to the mall (my mother and her caregiver do this daily. They do people watching which makes them happy)
• Go to the beach, look at the waves (I personally find this quite recuperative)
• Buy a digital camera and take pictures
• Remember, take care of yourself first
• Be alert to physical problems and keep yourself healthy. Our immune systems are in more jeopardy this time of the year.
• Postpone major decisions until Spring when the weather is better and less gloomy
• Laugh
• Pamper yourself. Get a facial or go shopping. Window shopping doesn’t cost anything and is therapeutic.
• Make a list of what you enjoy doing alone. Do these items. It will help with depression after the holidays.
• Set future goals
• Take one day at a time
• Spend time with friends and accept them with all their imperfections
• Join a club
• Eat nutritiously and consider taking vitamin supplements
• Avoid masking the melancholy with drugs or alcohol
• Try to reduce financial or other stresses in your life especially during the country’s economic crises. Things will improve.
• Help others. You will forget about your ailments.
• Spend time outdoors as the weather permits
• Do a winter house cleaning project-pick a closet that is neglected-it’s fun and therapeutic
• Continue to participate in activities that are fun for you, and with people who are special to you
• Don’t underestimate the effects of small pleasures

The holiday season will be here before we know it. This will be the year that will provide us with happiness and a wonderful end to the blahs of the holidays. “Seasons change” and this one appears to be a great one.

By Roberta Mark Engel

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