Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Get Well Wish

by Anna, Gary, David, Ruth and George

Rita is sun warmed like an apricot in early summer
Dreaming up mischievous notions from the heights of a tree house
She makes me feel it's always a good time to call
Makes me want to look under the hospital bed
and rescue her mojo back from the wicked dust bunny...
Rita is bright yellow dancing behind a sly white smile
and a mischievous grin
She is like finding a leprechaun at the end of a rainbow
and wondering in so many ways
How am I going to spend this wealth and good fortune?...
Rita reminds me of a yellow calm
and she makes me even more peaceful
She can laugh at herself
which makes her a success at all she does...
Rita is a vibrant pink
like a fresh picked rose
Her smile is like a summer morning, sunny and new
She is always optimistic, laughter in the wind
I want to hug her silently and draw her to me...
Rita is like a rainbow, multicolored
and full of surprises...
(Feel better!!)

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