Sunday, May 23, 2010

Deep into the Night

By Ruth Aroni

I have languished
in cerebral slum alleys
And tiptoed past
Your midnight light.
Now I come to You
With singed fingers
Silence ringing in my years.
I chant Your prayer
Deep into the night.
I see cobwebs of indifference
Surrounding my patio chair
And now I know the answer-
I have to care.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Gracie, A True Lady of Greece

By Roberta Mark Engel

Did you know that my residence used to be in Thessalaniki, Northern Greece? I have given birth to over thirty five puppies during my seven years as a stray dog until my adoption over a year ago.

My parents were on holiday in Thessaloniki and took me to my new home in Athens. This was an easier life for me. I had a garden even though I lived in an apartment. I had two human brothers to play with and lots of food and water. I was loved until I became-pregnant. As you can guess, I appear to be quite fertile. I now had another liter-five adorable puppies.

But, my story has a negative twist. My parents drove me out to the country, took my collar off, stopped the car in a field in Xiropigado, and pushed me out of the automobile with my litter of four new pups. Yes, my parents chose the pick of the offspring for themselves. I was now a tramp in their eyes.

I have shaggy black fur. It is silky in texture, but uneven in appearance. I am chunky because I used to live on moths as a stray. Now that I live in the country, I have varied my diet with chicken eggs. I poach these eggs from Kiriakos Yiannis who has threatened to shoot me for my pilferage. He doesn’t care that I am sweet and docile. I am just a little hungry! Alright, I did bit the yiayia on the leg. She carried a big stick and it frightened me. Even though, I made this transgression, I am told that I have a wonderful personality. I am not very attractive, but I am quiet and attentive. I also have a talent of producing gorgeous puppies. Just look at them. What a proud mamma!

Aunt Carla found us! She lives in the big house across from the field of the brambles and thorns. She fed us every day. Unfortunately, my puppies stole my food. That is when I learned to survive on moths and chicken eggs. The moths were especially in plentiful supply, especially during the summer months.

Soon my life improved. After eight months, I was adopted once again. Unfortunately, mommy and daddy were in the U.S. every third month. But, they returned home to me over and over again. They took me to the doctor to get rid of my limp, severe allergies, worms, fleas and ticks. They even bathed me (the first one I ever had). It was cool! They have a dog in the U.S. so they know how to treat me like a lady.

Oops, I am pregnant again. I am sorry mommy and daddy. Thanks for preparing to stop my future reproductions, but my diet of eggs and moths has caused me to gain quite a bit of weight. Yiatros Visiles didn’t want to perform surgery until I lost weight. Yes, I am chunky or pleasantly plump. OK, obese.

I am living with Dimitris until mommy and daddy return. He is cool. He lets me hang out in the kennel office with him while he answers calls. I am his mascot and we are pals. What a cool life. He has me on a strict diet so I can lose weight. I am quite tired of giving birth. It is difficult.

I need to talk with you later. Mommy and daddy are here. I am going home!!

How am I doing now? I am quite healthy, happy, and just the correct weight. I eat proper dog food and food scraps. I am as friendly as ever, love people, and I am not afraid!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Trails

Are you interested in walking along the local paseos in your neighborhood? Do you prefer to hike in your hills? Or do you wish to drive your car to another location and walk through the locality? Do you have one, two, or three hours to spare during the week for pure exhilaration and enjoyment? If your answer is yes, then power walking may be for you and “Happy Trails”!

But, are you nervous that the endless paseo trails will lead you astray? Are you fearful that a search party will need to be sent out for you? If so, stay at home!

One of the greatest pleasures in my life is striding. Hiking as a couple, group or jaunting alone works well. Join a walking group that meets at specific locations and a planned program to accommodate the speed you desire. Or, take a brisk walk to meet a friend, buy groceries (great for a triceps/biceps workout) or shop in a department store which will provide built in rest stops. How about walking with your dog, especially if he is high energy like our hound?

I discovered walking in college. Thirty eight years after college, I have learned that I am neither the fastest nor the youngest walker in the universe. I have also realized that my final walking goal is racing against the clock (i.e., achieve the end by traveling at a fast pace, but by not having a heart attack).

As you have read, there is a partner for everyone including a walking colleague for your dog. Even if you are a "solo act," finding your “Happy Trails” is pleasurable. I have not purchased anything along the way except health and fun. I have been seriously into fitness since I turned thirty. If this is the ticket to a long life, I hope I am a winner.

by Roberta Mark Engel

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rescue Center

by Ruth Aroni

I work at the Rescue Center
and every morning around 11:00 my friend, Victoria,
who also works there but speaks little English,
says "coffee."
I go to the kitchen,
get out the instant Folgers and some sugar.
I fill up the two cups with hot water
and French Vanilla creamer
and bring the two cups back to our room.
We drink the coffee together,
two friends, united by our work,
although we cannot talk to each other
except by gestures and hugs.