Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Chest of Childhood

by Anna Bernard

Small cotton blankets
Food provided by others
A bunny, a teddy, a froggy, a lamb
Bedtime when the sky is still blue
Way too much darkness in the night
and far too much night.
Constant expectation
dovetailing with fabulous ability
to learn
to observe
to express
the happiest laughs
The most despairing tears.
The feeling that if you run,
you can fly
Your feet will tuck up like birds' legs
like plane wheels
and you will soar - wind in your face
air making a cushion
on your lizard blue belly side.
Baby fine hair
streaming like Maypole ribbons
and in the air you'll stay
until you want to come down
and do fish swims
until dinnertime.

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